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When I pray I don’t see God but I know He listen. When I sms I don’t see u but I know you hear with smile, Happy Valentine’s Day.
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Without LOVE — dayz are “sadday,
So be in love everyday. Happy Valentine Day!
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When u ask god 4 a gift, be thankful if he sends.. not diamonds, not pearls, nor riches, but d love of real people around u! Happy Valentine Day!
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Happy Valentine my dear friend 🙂 Hope ur life will be full of love now n forever.. As you have given a wonderful love to many people.. Remember that God will give u too such a beautiful love in your life…
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Happy valentine day 🙂 Old friend always good to remember
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A life without love is like a night without stars..Happy Valentine Day!
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A SMILE can make people happy,
LOVE can make the world go around,
HATE can wrinkles
but FRIENDS? They make life worth living.Thank you for being one.Happy Valentine Day!
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Old wine – good 2 drink.
Old stories – good 2 read.
Old wood good 2 burn.
Old friends – best 2 keep.
Happy Valentine Day!
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Make evyday a dream you can touch.
Make evyday filled wth a love you can feel.
Make evyday a reason to live. Happy Valentine Day!
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I maynot the one that U dream on. But may U get something special in Ur life & be something special for me. Coz God creates U special. Happy Valentine, Luv U 🙂
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Friendship is like standing on wet cement. The longer u stay, the harder it is to leave & U can never go w/out leaving your footprints behind! Happy Valentine Day!
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Morning doesn’t mean getting up & working again, it rather means God loves you so much to let you live & see another day. Good morning.. have a wonderful day!
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A year-round wish 4 YOU
12 mos of JOY
52 wks of PEACE
365 days of SUCCESS
8760 hrs of GUD HEALTH
525600 mins of HOPE
3153600 secs of LOVE!
Happy Valentine’s Day
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7 RULES 2 BE HAPPY: 1>free ur heart from hate 2>free ur mind from worry 3>live simple 4>expect less 5>give more 6>always smile 7>have a cute riend like me! 🙂
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Simple music can make you sing.
Simple hug makes you feel better.
Simple thing can make you happy.
Hope that my simple “hi” will make you SMILE.. 🙂
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Sometimes LIFE gets so busy. Couldn’t even say ‘Hi!’, couldn’t even call. But it doesn’t mean you are forgotten because you will always my friend. Happy Valentine’s Day!
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They say angels shower graces early morning. So, this early, I ask them to take care of you in whatever you do and wherever you go… Morning!
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LIFE can give you a hundred reasons to cry, but GOD can give ur life a thousand reasons to SMILE! Happy Valentine’s Day!
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In this beautiful day, i give u a special parcel just 4 u: a spoon of love, a fork of trust, a glass of warm, a plate of wish & a bowl of pray.. “HAPPY V’DAY”
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The only way to love isnt finding the perfect person, but by loving the imperfect person perfectly! True love doesnt have a happy ending, it simply doesnt end.
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Receive my simple gift of “GOOD MORNING” wrapped w/ “SINCERITY”, tied w/ “CARE” and sealed w/ a “PRAYER” 2 keep u “SAFE” & “HAPPY” all day long! Good Bless!
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God has gifts for u: a LIGHT for every shadow, a PLAN for every tomorrow, a KEY for every problem & a JOY for every sorrow. Enjoy God’s gift today 🙂
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Making a thousand friends a year is not a miracle. The MIRACLE is to make A FRIEND who stands by you for A THOUSAND years.
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When u ask god 4 a gift, be thankful if he sends.. not diamonds, not pearls, nor riches, but d love of real people around u! Happy Valentine Day!
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Happy Valentine my dear friend 🙂 Hope ur life will be full of love now n forever.. As you have given a wonderful love to many people.. Remember that God will give u too such a beautiful love in your life…
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Happy valentine day 🙂 Old friend always good to remember
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A SMILE can make people happy,LOVE can make the world go around…HATE can wrinkles but FRIENDS?They make life worth living.Thank you for being one.Happy Valentine Day!
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Faith “makes all things possible”. Hope “makes all things work”. Love “makes all things beautifull”. may u have all of them. Happy Valentine 🙂